Martin's Place
Martin's 2nd home

Aug 20, 2010 3:59 PM by Discussion: DesktopX

Well I spent days, months, years developing this as a part time project and now it's reached it's end. This isn't an end I hoped for but, due to hardware failure and incompetence, the source code is lost never to return.

Because I can't support this as a commercial product any more, I've decided to make it freely available. You can get details [link=""]here[/link].

In the past I may have sent some source code to people (probably an earlier demo or with something broken). If anyone has this and can make it available then please do. People may then use it as a learning tool.

Anyway, enjoy and adios!

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An epic development process

Apr 22, 2009 11:26 AM by Discussion: New Releases

DesktopX is one of the easiest to use and most powerful "application" builders I have ever seen. Let me be clear, I am not a "proper" programmer, though I manage quite nicely in JavaScript and VBScript, and I am not a "proper" artist, though I can fumble through using something like Fireworks. As such, the fact that can make things that are powerful and actually look fairly cool is awesome.

This is why I love the application and why I keep coming back to it. A good few years ago I spend a lot of (probably too much) time using DesktopX, but kids have redressed my life/DX balance and I'm now a happier more rounded individual  :) .

When I checked it out the first note type widget I released was is August 2004, which means I have been working on DeskNotes in some form for nearly 5 years which is ridiculous - hardly the most efficient development process!

However, it's finally here and ready for mainstream release.

Needless to say it is slightly more powerful and sophisticated than the original and I hope you like it. I even dare to hope some of you will choose to register it. There's nothing like a little cold hard cash to encourage new features  :d .

I really hope that Stardock continues to support DesktopX. There's been no update for about 9 months now, and there was relatively little before then which means we're still wrestling with a few bugs and things. Hopefully there'll be a burst of activity at some point.

I'm kind of hoping the same for the WinCustomize DX. To be honest, in the past few year there's not been a great deal on new and exciting stuff on there. There are of course some exceptions, and I'm not saying that this is the most amazing thing ever created, it's just that there are only so many weather objects and "cool effects" you can take. There is of course value in developing these things to learn how DesktopX works but these objects were there about 3 or 4 years ago - in fact most still clone the original scripts from that time. By now we should have moved on. There should be one external weather script that everyone hooks into. Let's learn from the model of something like YUI and move on. Unless we start creating some new and innovate then I fear some of the better developers will move onto new things and Stardock won't have any incentive to give us any now DX releases to play with to drive things to the next level.

Anyway - DeskNotes is my contribution to things. I hope you like it and look forward to your comments.

3 Replies Reply 10 Referrals

What's going on?

Mar 21, 2006 3:43 PM by Discussion: DesktopX Development
I'm concerned about Desktop Gadgets. This could and should be a critical tool for developers to sell their applications. As it transpires I think it's falling short of its potential.

I submitted a gadget about 4 weeks ago and heard nothing; it's just sat in moderation. I appreciate that Stardock have been busy with GalCiv 2, and that moderation needs to be done carefully. However, this is an incredibly simple gadget which should have flown through.

I have DeskNotes 2 really which is a different issue altogether. I have literally invested thousands of hours in this and it is a really substantial gadget. I'm reluctant to publish this as I currently don't have the confidence in things moving forward, and I certainly don't want to develop anything else for the site at this time.

I'd be interested to hear what plans are for the site. If time can't be invested in it then please just let us know so we can make our own plans accordingly. The lack of communication is more damaging than anything.
9 Replies Reply 22 Referrals

Prepare your RSS widgets!

Sep 5, 2005 11:16 AM by Discussion: DesktopX
DesktopX Developers and users beware - IE7 may well cause some DesktopX widgets to fail because of it's new functionality.

That's not to say that all will be affected by this, but many of the widgets relying on RSS feeds for their data may struggle. The issue is that IE7 kindly interprets RSS feeds and displays the data in a more visually friendly format. While this is to be applauded, it does have implications.

Where a DesktopX widget uses a Web Browser control to load RSS data, and subsequently interprets it, things may fail to work. Both the InnerText and InnerHTML content of the page will be different because of the new interpretation of content, hence tags and content that a widget may search for could cease to work.

The safest solution will be for developers to start using the XMLHTTP object to load and manipulate XML feeds if they use them ... though I'm open to better ideas.

As an appeal to users, please don't expect developers to update object to do this. I know personally that I won't have the time to do this, even with the best will in the world, and other developers may be in the same boat.

19 Replies Reply 22 Referrals

May 5, 2005 6:38 AM by Discussion: DesktopX Development
Just wondering what's on the horizon for DX?

I know I've been out of the loop for a bit, but everything seems to have gone really quiet since the release of DX3.

Any chance of finding out what's being developed?

Any chance that we're doing anything re the following? :

1) Scripting fonts (face, size, bold etc)
2) Font styles - defining styles so these can be quickly applied to objects rather that manually configuring the font's for them each time? Even the ability to define a default mouse away, mouse over state etc would be a good start.


2 Replies Reply 8 Referrals

May 5, 2005 6:38 AM by Discussion: DesktopX Development
Just wondering what's on the horizon for DX?

I know I've been out of the loop for a bit, but everything seems to have gone really quiet since the release of DX3.

Any chance of finding out what's being developed?

Any chance that we're doing anything re the following? :

1) Scripting fonts (face, size, bold etc)
2) Font styles - defining styles so these can be quickly applied to objects rather that manually configuring the font's for them each time? Even the ability to define a default mouse away, mouse over state etc would be a good start.


21 Replies Reply 9 Referrals

Dec 3, 2004 4:51 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize News
A bit of fun for Christmas cheer! I want people to send me Christmas cards !!!!!

I'm conscious that we have a great international community here so I think it would be fun to see how many cards I can get and where they come from.

This isn't an ego trip, I don't want it to be a "send me a card if you like my widgets", if only because that sounds a bit wierd !!

I just think it would be cool so if you do too then the address is as below.

Martin Conroy
1 Halifax Close
Full Sutton
YO41 1NU

If enough people think this is a fun idea I will keep people up to date on my quest for global domination through Christmas cards!
9 Replies Reply 17 Referrals

A guide to creating a calendar using DesktopX

Nov 19, 2004 5:05 AM by Discussion: DesktopX Tutorials

DesktopX - How to ...

....... make a calendar


What is this about?

The aim of this document is to show you how to take a sample object and customise it to make it your own. In the process it will guide you through the script so you get a better understanding of how it does what it does.


Getting Started

This guide is based upon the object you can find here. The first thing you should do is download this zip file. Inside there is an exe file. If you right click the DesktopX icon you can select Import.

Click the Widgets radio button at the top of the screen. If you haven't previously imported this and it isn't on the widget list, then you can browse to find the exe file called DXCalendar.exe

Once you've done this then it will be on your desktop. If you then right click the DesktopX icon and select Object Navigator you will see all the objects that make up the calendar.

You are now in a position to start changing the object.

Throughtout this, I will be telling you what you need to do to edit the object in clear detail, but will not actually show an example of this. The main reason for this is that you will learn much better if you do it yourself. Hopefully, if the instruction is suitably clear then you should be able to do this.


The structure of the object

The key to editing an object is understanding the structure of the object and how the different parts interact. Typically the script can remain fundamentally unchanged when you are editing an existing widget so although we will discuss the script here for educational reasons the structure is the important element.

This shows the objects that are important in the object. There are other objects in the widget, but these are the ones to focus on; the others are created dynamically as required.

Calendar: This is the background image for the object and contains the key script for this object. It is the most important object in the widget.

Calendar_Month & Calendar_Year: These are simple text objects that display the month and year being displayed on the calendar.

Calendar_Today: This is the image the is displayed around the current date if the current month is displayed on the calendar.

Calendar_month_next & Calendar_month_prev: These two objects have scripts that allow you adjust the month being displayed to the previous or the next one.

Template_DayOfWeek & Template_Day: These are hidden objects that are the base from which the day of the week names and the day numbers are created. By editing these templates the appearance of the created objects for the days and numbers are edited.

Changing the background

Ironically, the most complicated element of editing this object is getting the background right; and even that is not hugely difficult!

If you look in your theme directory you will see a file called newcal_back.png which you can see on the right. You will note that it is actually much smaller vertically than the one you see on the screen. The reason for this is because different months have different numbers of weeks in them (4, 5 or 6). This object resizes according to the number of weeks that are being displayed. Let's look in more detail at the different elements of the the image.

If you replace the image with one of your own, there is one key skill that you need. That is the knowledge of how to stretch object in DesktopX. This is shown clearly in the section 3.1 of the Developers Guide, but we will expand on that a little here for this specific case.

What you need to do is open the properties for the Calendar object, and select the States tab. You will see that the at the bottom of the dialog is a button labeled "Advanced". Click that and you are ready to see how this works.

On this dialog you are able to choose how you would like to stretch or title the image used which is obviously what we need to do given that we are looking to specifically tile the area for the weeks as highlighted below.

Because we don't need to adjust the width in this scenario so we can leave the "Horizontal Resize" options as they are. So, the key thing is the "Vertical Resize".

What you have are 3 settings. You need to specify the area of the image which you want expanding. These in the dialog are represented by the C and D parameters.

If you look on the source image as expanded on the left, you will see why the values used are "39" and "65" are used. These represent the top and the bottom of the area we highlighted above as the area which displays the data for a given week.

You also need to specify whether you wish to stretch or tile the image. In the most cases, tiling will be the most appropriate option. Once you have edited the advanced properties in your new image to tile like this then the object should work perfectly.

Editing other elements

The rest of the elements in the calendar are all text objects. As such, changing the way they look is very easy.

If you open the two "template" objects you can quickly adjust the text of the days and dates to match the background you have. Even if you did something as simple as adjusting the hue of the original background then you will probably need to adjust the colors of these templates so that they complement the new background color.

You can also change the month and year text object in a similar manner. The image on the left shows the elements that you may wish to adjust for any of these elements. You can change the font and it's color. You may also choose to add a border around the object though unless the text is fairly big the border may be a bit domineering.

If you decide you want a bigger font you may find that you find it desirable to adjust the spacing of the dates and even make the background wider. We will look at this in the next section when we look at the script.

You can also add a drop shadow or a glow if that suits your design, and you can make the text semi transparent. This may be especially useful if you make your background object semi-transparent.

Editing the objects for moving to the previous or next month are the same except that you also need to edit the Mouse-over state. Although these objects will work perfectly well without a mouse over state it helps the user identify the fact that they can interact with these objects. You could even add a mouse down eddect if you wanted to further enhance the object.

In fact, there is no reason why these objects need to be text objects. You may find that it suits your deign better to make these images. Obviously for these you can also use multiple states to enhance to usability of them.

The final point to make is that the position of these objects is totally flexible. Unlike the days and dates which need to maintain there position, these can be placed anywhere on the background object. Simply hold down CTRL and drag the object to where you want it.

The power of script

The real power of script is that it can just sit there attached to an object and do it's job. You really don't need to have to deal with it. Viewing a well commented and well structures script however is a great way to start to learn how to use them if you are not experienced in scripting.

There are 3 scripts in this object and we will go through them all separately to see how they work.

Calendar script

This script's purpose is to provide the functionality to draw the calendar for any given month.

Dim DateString
Dim FirstDayOfWeek
Dim CurrentDay
Dim ColumnSpace
Dim RowSpace
Dim DaysRow
Dim FirstRow
Dim FirstColumn
Dim TodayOffsetX
Dim TodayOffsetY

This first part of the code simply declares variables used in the script. We will describe these variables when we get to them. For now it is enough to know that it is good practice to declare the variables before they are used.

Sub Object_OnScriptEnter

' Set Variables
ColumnSpace = 31  ' Gap between columns
RowSpace = 27     ' Gap between rows
DaysRow = 24      ' y coordinate of the days
FirstRow = 46     ' y coordinate of first row
FirstColumn = 29  ' x coordinate of first column
TodayOffsetX = -8 ' x offset of the today image from top left of current day text
TodayOffsetY = -11 ' y offset of the today image from top left of current day text

Here we set values for a lot of the variables we defined above. Earlier I mentioned how you may at times want to adjust the position of days and dates depending on the background object used and the font used. This is where you do it. Good scripts will always use variables where possible rather than hard coding values. This makes them far more flexible.

The parameters you can set are all clearly labeled and where x and y coordinates are used, these are relative to the top left of the background image. Try adjusting these values , and Applying the script to see the impact it has on the calendar. Don't worry if some of the dates appear off the calendar for now. You can vary the background image to allow for this.

To make a wider background object you can simply change the width parameter on the Summary tab. Because in the Advanced Properties for the image we set parameters for the object to stretch horizontally the object will still look correct.

To make a taller background object there are two elements you can change. You can obviously add extra space at the top or bottom of the object. However, if you are increasing to font spacing you really must make the size of the vertically tiled area larger by the same amount.

' Define current month and year e.g. September 2004 so we can start by showing this month
x = Now()
x = Month(x) & " " & Year(x)

' Define current date so we can monitor whether the day has changed
CurrentDay = Date()

' Define a timer to run every minute and check if the date has changed so we can update the calendar if it has
Object.SetTimer 1000, 60000

' Draw the initial calendar for this month

The commenting here should be fairly explicit. We get information on the current system date and then we call the DrawCalendar function which we will come onto passing a parameter of month and date like "9 2004" telling it what month to draw.

Also in here we define a timer to run every minute. We will look at this timer now before we move onto looking at the main DrawCalendar function.

Sub Object_OnTimer1000
  ' Determine if the current date has changed
  If Date() <> CurrentDay Then
    ' If it has, update the current day and redraw the calendar based on the new current day
    CurrentDay = Date()
    x = Now()
    x = Month(x) & " " & Year(x)
  End If
End Sub

What we do here is look at the current date and compare it to the date stored in CurrentDay which we just defined. Obviously in this case because we just set CurrentDay to Date() the two will be equal so nothing will happen, but if you leave this object running and the clock passes midnight to a new day then the code in the "If" statement will be triggered. What this does it to update CurrentDay to the new date and redraw the calendar. for the current month. Obviously on most days this will just redraw the current month, but if the day changes to a new month it ensures that the calendar draws the new month.

OK, now onto the main function that draws the calendar ...

Function DrawCalendar(thisdate)

  ' Get first day of week from system settings
  If Weekday(MonthName(8) & " 7, 2004") = 7 Then
    FirstDayOfWeek = 1
    FirstDayOfWeek = 2
  End If

Your computer will either consider Monday or Sunday the first day of the week depending on your personal settings. I know that August 8th 2004 was a Sunday. What this script is to check what day of the week the computer thinks that date is. From that I can define a variable called FirstDayOfWeek. If it thinks that date is the 7th day of the week then I Set FirstDay of week to 1 (Monday) otherwise I set it to set this to 2 (Sunday). This becomes important at several points later in the script.

Note that I use the function MonthName(8) rather than explicitly writing "August" because this would cause errors on non-English machines. MonthName will return a name that the computer understands like Aout (for French computers.

' Create a string of the first letter of each day
For x = 1 To 7
  DayString = DayString & Left(WeekdayName(x,False,FirstDayOfWeek),1)

At some point I need to create text labels for the days of the week. The way I do this is to build a string of the first character of the day name. I do this 7 times until I have a 7 character string. Note that the FirstDayOfWeek variable comes into play here, because the VBScript WeekdayName function requires that you specify which is the first day of the week so it can return the correct letter. The variable DayString will either contain "MTWTFSS" or "SMTWTFS" (assuming an English computer) depending on the FirstDayOfWeek setting.

' Delete existing days of week if present
For x = 1 To 7
  If DesktopX.IsObject("DayOfWeek" & x) Then
    DesktopX.Object("DayOfWeek" & x).Delete
  End If

' Create new days of week
For x = 1 To 7
  DesktopX.Object("Template_DayOfWeek").Clone "DayOfWeek" & x, FirstColumn + ((x - 1) * ColumnSpace), DaysRow
  DesktopX.Object("DayOfWeek" & x).Text = Mid(DayString, x, 1)
  DesktopX.Object("DayOfWeek" & x).Visible = True

What this is doing is to check for any existing day of the week objects and deleting them if they exist. The name of the objects for these days are DayOfWeek1, DayOfWeek2 ... DayOfWeek7 so it loops and checks for objects with these names and deletes them if required.

We then have a fairly cool bit of script which achieves a lot in 5 lines, mainly because of good use of variables and templates. We want to create 7 objects so we loop 7 times. Each time we do three things:

1) We Clone the template object for the weekdays, There are three parameters. The first is the name for the new object which we build by concatenating the string "DayOfWeek" with the number of the loop we are on. The next 2 parameters are the x and y coordinates to position the object. We use maths here based on the variables defined earlier. While the maths may look quite complicated it is really fairly simple especially as we gave the variables sensible names! This is also far more flexible as we mentioned earlier than hard coding numbers in here.

2) We then set the text of the object to be the first letter of that day of the week. We get this by using the Mid function to extract a single character from the DayString we build earlier. The character we take is determined by the position in the loop.

3) Finally we make our new object visible which we need to do because the template object we cloned was hidden

' Delete existing day objects if they exist
For x = 1 To 42
  If DesktopX.IsObject("Day" & x) Then
    DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Delete
  End If

Just as we did for the days of the week, we delete any day objects drawn so we can start fresh.

' Determine the month and year that we are drawing from the variable we passed to the function
thismonth = Left(thisdate, InStr(thisdate," ") -1)
thisyear = Right(thisdate, Len(thisdate) - Len(thismonth) - 1)

' Set the year text object
DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Year").Text = thisyear

' Get the month name and write it to the text object for the month name
thisMonthName = MonthName(thismonth)
DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Month").Text = thisMonthName

What this script does is extract the month and year from the variable passed to the function and stores them in the variables thismonth and thisyear. The year text object "Calendar_Year" is then set to the year in thisyear. We then get the name of the month in the variable thismonth using the MonthName function, and set the "Calendar_Month" text object to this value.

' Check which day number in the week the first day of the month occurs on
calFirstDay = thisMonthName & " 1, " & thisYear
calFirstDay = CDate(calFirstDay)
calFirstDay = DatePart("w", calFirstDay, FirstDayOfWeek)

' Check how many days there are in the current month
calDaysInMonth = DaysInAnyMonth(thisMonth, thisYear)

If order to accurately draw the month there are two key things we need to establish. We need to know which day of the week the first day of the month is so we know where on the calendar to draw the first day. We then need to know how many days there are in the month so we can draw them. This script builds a string of the first day of the current month e.g. "September 1, 2004". It then ensures it is in a Date format and uses the DatePart VBScript function to find out which day of the week this day is on. Note that again we need the FirstDayOfWeek variable again to ensure that the day of the week returned is appropriate for the user's computer settings.

We then use the DaysInAnyMonth function at the end of the script to determine the number of days in the month we are drawing.

' Check how many days there are in the previous month as we are going to be drawing these
If calFirstDay > 1 Then
  If thismonth = 1 Then
    dayinprevmonth = DaysInAnyMonth(12, thisyear - 1)
    dayinprevmonth = DaysInAnyMonth(thismonth - 1, thisyear)
  End If

  'Create days from the previous month from the calendar beginning to just before where the current month starts
  For x = 1 To calFirstDay - 1
    ' Clone the hidden template object and position based on the variables at the top
    DesktopX.Object("Template_Day").Clone "Day" & x, FirstColumn + (ColumnSpace * (x-1)), FirstRow
    DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Text = dayinprevmonth - calFirstDay + 1 + x
    ' make them semi transparent and then show them
    DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Opacity = 30
    DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Visible = True
  Set daysinprevmonth = Nothing
End If

Before we draw the days from this month we draw the last few days from the previous month in any space prior to where the first day is drawn. e.g. if the first day is on a Thursday then we can draw the previous month days in the spaces up to Wednesday.

The first part of the above script calculates what the previous month is and then gets the number of days in that month.

After that it clones the Template_Day object and positions it much as we did for the days of the week. It then works out what day that object was and sets the text appropriately. The opacity of the of these objects is lowered so they are less visible than the current month which is more important. The object is then shown.

If you wanted days from other months to look fundamentally different than the current month days then you could create a new Template object which looks as you want it and clone that instead.

'Draw days for this month
For x = calFirstDay To calFirstDay + calDaysInMonth - 1
  DesktopX.Object("Template_Day").Clone "Day" & x, FirstColumn + (ColumnSpace * ((x-1) Mod 7)), FirstRow + (Int((x-1)/7)*RowSpace)
  DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Text = x - calFirstDay + 1
  DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Visible = True

Now onto the current month. This again is a cloning exercise that you will be familiar with by now. The maths looks complex on me so just trust me that it positions the object on a new line if appropriate!

'Calculate the number of rows required based on whether a date has been create on the first instance of every row
If DesktopX.IsObject("Day22") Then RowCount = 4
If DesktopX.IsObject("Day29") Then RowCount = 5
If DesktopX.IsObject("Day36") Then RowCount = 6

' Scale the background to allow correct number of weeks to be shown
Object.Height = 72 + (27 * RowCount)
' Reposition the year relative to the bottom of the object
DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Year").Top = Object.Height - 33

We are now about to draw the objects for the next month, but before we do we we need to ensure that the object is the right height. We only want it to be as big as it needs to be to show the current month. We check to see if various objects exist. These would be the first object on each row so we can tell how many rows of days there are but seeing if these objects have been created.

Once we know this we can scale the background accordingly. This will tile the correct area we defined at the beginning and draw the image as required. We then reposition the object displaying the year relative to the bottom of the object.

'Draw days for next month to the end of the last row
For x = calFirstDay + calDaysInMonth To RowCount * 7
  DesktopX.Object("Template_Day").Clone "Day" & x, FirstColumn + (ColumnSpace * ((x-1) Mod 7)), FirstRow + (Int((x-1)/7)*RowSpace)
  DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Text = x - calFirstDay - calDaysInMonth + 1
  DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Opacity = 30
  DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Visible = True

Now, just a final cloning run to add the few days from the beginning of the next month that will fit on the row.

  ' Check to see if the month being shown is the current month
  If DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Month").Text = MonthName(Month(Now())) And CInt(DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Year").Text) = Year(Now()) Then
    ' If it is then position and show the today image
    x = calFirstDay + Day(Now()) - 1
    DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Today").Move DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Left + TodayOffsetX, DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).Top + TodayOffsetY
    DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Today").Visible = True
    DesktopX.Object("Day" & x).OnTop
    ' If not then hide the today image
    DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Today").Visible = False
  End If
End Function

This little section of code is designed to draw the image which highlights "today" if the current month is being shown. The "if" routine checks the month and year objects against the current date. If the current month is being shown then it works out which object represents "today". It then moves the today image relative to the today object using the offset variables defined at the beginning of the script. The object is shown and moved to the top of the z-order. This moving of the z-order is because I want it to look as if the circle has been drawn over the number. If you have a "today" image that you want to appear behind the date you can remove or comment out this object.

That's it we're done drawing the calendar!

' Function to return the number of days in a month for the month and year provided
Function DaysInAnyMonth(intMonth, IntYear)
  If IntYear = 0 Then
    IntYear = Year(Now())
  End If

  Select Case (intMonth)
    Case 2 ' February (includes leap year calculation)
      If (IntYear Mod 4 = 0) And (IntYear Mod 100 <> 0) Or (IntYear Mod 400 = 0) Then
        DaysInAnyMonth = 29
        DaysInAnyMonth = 28
      End If
    Case 4, 6, 9, 11
      DaysInAnyMonth = 30
    Case Else
      DaysInAnyMonth = 31
  End Select
End Function

This little bit of script is what we called several times earlier to get the number of says in a given month. The first part of the script checks that a year variable was passed. It uses the current year if it isn't given buy we're always good and provide it anyway.

It then uses Select Case to do different things depending on the month. The first thing it does is run a scenario for February (month 2). It checks for a leap year and then returns the correct number of days. This is why passing the year was important in case you were wondering. It then returns 30 days for April, June, September and Novemeber and returns 31 for any other month.

Month changing script

These two objects both have basically the same simple script. We will go through the script for the previous month below.

' If the mouse click is released over the object
Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x,y,dragged)
  ' It's good habit to only execute script if the user is not trying to drag the object
  If dragged = False Then
    ' Create a date based on the month and year strings
    x = DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Month").Text & " 1, " & DesktopX.Object("Calendar_Year").Text

    ' Identify the month and year
    x = Month(x) & " " & Year(x)
    xmonth = CInt(Left(x, InStr(x," ") - 1)) - 1
    xyear = CInt(Right(x, Len(x)-InStr(x," ")))

    ' Calculate what the previous month would be
    If xmonth > 0 Then
      x = xmonth & " " & xyear
      x = "12 " & xyear - 1
    End If

    ' Redraw the calendar
  End If
End Function

Again, the commenting should make this quite clear. The function executes when the left mouse button is released over the object. It checks that the user was actually clicking and not dragging the object and then runs the script.

The script creates a date string based on the month and year text strings. From that date string it can then get a month number and year that the DrawCalendar function would recognise. Before they are passed however a calculation is done to work out the previous month. The script for the next month object just does the equivalent to get the next month.

The routine to redraw the calender is then called passing the appropriate month and year.

In Summary

We have seen here that the object is structured very simply. You don't need to worry at all what the script is doing if you don't want, you can simply change the background image and the style of a few text objects if required. Through just this you have incredible flexibility in the object.

Even if you do want to do something a bit more complex with the positioning of the text objects all you need to do is adjust the values of a few variables at the beginning of the script and the script will work the rest out from there.

I hope you've found this useful. I'll see what I can come up with for the next time.

17 Replies Reply 111 Referrals
I'm about to get away for a week on vacation, but before I do I thought I'd leave some practical samples of the Common User Information file in the form of a calendar and weather objects.

If you need a sample CUI file it can be found here:

Once you have this, place it in your DesktopX directory and exit it to your details.

The samples are here:

The Base Weather Template has also received an update in the DX Objects Library

Hopefully these will encourage you to start working with the CUI. There is an updated DX pack for developers giving samples on how to interact with it.

I'll look at doing the GUI for editing the CUI when I return.
2 Replies Reply 10 Referrals

Oct 8, 2004 11:09 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize News
The proposed standards have been updated based on feedback and the proposal for Additional Object Information (AOI) storage has been outlined.

You can get the draft document here: DesktopX Standards

You can get a sample CUI file here: Sample CUI File

You can get a sample AOI file here: Sample AOI File

You can get a dxpack showing the basics of interaction here: Sample CUI access using DesktopX

Note that the samples assume that the dxCUI.xml file is in your DesktopX directory.
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